Alpentech Resume - 46th Year Qualifications
Alpentech had the opportunity to design many new ski areas in three continents using a ski area suitability model. It was our passion to identify terrain for the best snow sport enjoyment. Our perspective has been that skiing is a life style. Our article “Dispersing skiers and riders” concluded 20 years ago that detachable lifts would eliminate waiting lines, but the attendance continued to expand often beyond terrain capacity.
Lift upgrading, has produced unprecedented trail densities. Therefore, we are often called to assist ski areas with circulation analyses leading to complex mountain grading projects for capacity adjustments.
While lift prices doubled twice in the last decade, trail grading remained a small budget addition during area upgrades. Unfortunately, trail capacity adjustments are often delayed without anticipating trail congestion. Fundamental theory for measuring comfortable carrying capacity. In reality, sound judgment for trail modification must be made on the ground.
We learnt to share Google Earth screen to obtain on site input and learnt to work remotely preparing budget proposals and thanks to LiDAR topo accuracy deliver detailed grading plans.
Because of the climate challenge, our involvement is tending to all season operation. We focus on multi-season mountain uses and suggest modifications, new development and diversifying of existing areas.
With our origin in the Swiss Alps, where summer vacationing, preceded winter sports, we are most familiar with all-season mountain resorts. Anticipating adjustment to changing markets and all season interest in mountain resorts, is common in our planning engagements. - In recognition of his work, the founder of Alpentech was induced into the Intermountain Ski Hall of Fame in 2012.
Alpentech is well known for fundamental research, land suitability evaluation and looking more creatively at master planning. The scope of our involvement has focused on mountain planning and we associate with the most reputable resort consultants covering market research, architecture and landscape architecture.
Landscape integration goes hand in hand with trail creation and modification.

Engineered cuts and fills, drainage, storm water management, lift terminal area and mass grading, soil sediment and erosion control plans, parking lot design, mountain roads and trails are subjected to landscape integration.
Combining summer and winter mountain uses has become a mandatory planning objective. Aesthetics can play a key role during upgrading, therefore landscape integration is particularly important for trails and congregation areas. This is most applicable to congregation, learning and queuing space. Visitor experiences deserve particular attention and congestion has to be addressed. The scope of inquiry has new boundaries and results in more creative evaluation of development within the resort area boundary. We developed a skill is to favorably lay out future mountain uses and integrate them in base area planning. Respecting capacity limits will help keeping recreation pleasant. Our evaluation is provided without the overtone of equipment sales staff. Our practice of ski area planning and engineering is founded on research and trends, using life-cycle and market assessments to evaluate sustainability.
While the bulk of smaller projects remains in the U.S., our extended experience in mountain planning, civil- and environmental engineering, landscape integration, natural resource evaluation and modeling resulted in a superior outcome abroad. A “second generation planning approach” with new and smarter focus on all season development brought international assignments in Argentina, Canada, China, France, Korea, New Zealand, Spain and Switzerland.
Alpentech has been recognized with awards for design excellence that is well integrated in the natural environment. Larger mountain work is anchored in terrain modeling, hydrology and weighing of environmental parameters. Effective presentation of projects today relies on Google Earth, allowing 3D viewing. Optimal land use is often anchored in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and is condensed in comprehensive mountain development plans allowing to verify impacts and avoid pitfalls and thereby rendering master plans reliable and defendable.
While specializing on the mountainside, we are also familiar with all aspects of base area and circulation and utility planning. Precision trail and track design for summer venues is of growing interest and can be best met with our technical interface with suppliers of slides, rides, coasters, zip lines, etc.
Better balancing seasonal mountain activities promises a more sustainable resort master plan. We maintain cost effective methods of analysis and rely on field verification. We focus on using the advantage of the natural condition for recreation and living spaces. We help to interpret and meticulously map and study these conditions, in order to justify the footprint of proposed actions. Graphic interpretation of factors affecting land use decisions via modeling is a special service that led to our trademarked smartmap programs.
We are familiar with stream, wetland and other regulations and hillside ordinances to prepare specific permit applications and master plans that implement sustainability.
Scope of Services
Since mountain planning consists of many aspects of professional analysis, Alpentech has been asked to contribute items listed below, or has provided complete Mountain Master Plans. At each step of the way, we have provided unique and flexible services to the mountain recreation industry, at a fair cost, such as:
- all season trail layout and design
- avalanche studies
- civil engineering and surveying
- climate analysis
- comfortable site capacity evaluation
- ecologically wise planning
- economic feasibility analysis
- expert witness
- GPS surveys (sub-meter level)
- grading plans
- illustrations and mapping
- laser survey documentation
- legal descriptions
- modeling: suitability and hazards
- mountain road design
- NPDES Natl. Pollution Elimination System
- operational studies
- parking lot design
- reconnaissance studies
- rehabilitation
- ski trail capacity evaluation
- soil sediment/ erosion control plans
- snowmaking studies
- stream alteration permitting
- site and subdivision planning
- storm water management
- summer slide and ride layout
- terrain modeling (3D graphics)
- terrain park planning and grading
- third party analyses
- wetland creation
- zoning proposals
Knowledge-based resorts and agencies have hired us to create:
- Alternative transport system studies: Thanks to Alpentech founder’s roots in the Switzerland, we have engaged in interesting mountain transportation comparisons with rail/ aerial lift/ bus and automobile transportation in mountains. Revision of energy efficiency and sustainability concepts, can significantly reduce carbon footprint and water quality management.
- Base Site Plans: adapting resorts to the “Plan Neige” and efficient pedestrian movement concepts are helpful for congregation area layout. Ingress/ egress circulation, parking, drainage, grading, etc. depend on it.
- Mountain Master Plans: Lift and trail capacity, terrain parks, avalanche control, adventure access, summer and winter utilization, etc. require routine reviews. Invariably, Alpentech involvement resulted in substantial increase of use and revenue and has brought recognition and design awards.
- Multi-season Plans: Gravity parks, terrain parks, bike trails, climbing walls, summer slides/ carts, high ropes, artificial skiing surfaces, become options to consider. Alpentech has participated in layout and planning of the first all season Snowflex ski facility as a part of a recreation development plan near a U.S. University.
- Resort activity and adventure mapping: Alpentech has 35 years of special map and poster production experience. The most successful example is the Bryce Canyon hiking map with over 40,000 copies sold. The Wasatch Touring map series, which illustrate hiking, mountain biking, climbing, and winter backcountry touring, are in 2nd and 3rd printing. Two new touring maps for the Oqui rrh and Stansbury Mountains Southern Wasatch are currently in production to ease the congestion of the Central Wasatch.
- International Comparisons of Opportunity spectrum: Since January 1, 2015, Alpentech GmbH operates a Swiss Branch Office focusing on comparative analysis and International Business. - The Alpentech Welcome Center, is available for small focus groups to learn from the Swiss how to approach sustainable development and adapt plans for the long term. Selected European Alpine resorts are offered to provide effective comparative analysis per interest group
Since January 1, 2015, Alpentech GmbH operates a Swiss Branch Office focusing on comparative analysis and International Business.
The Alpentech Welcome Center, is available for small focus groups to learn from the Swiss how to approach sustainable development and adapt plans for the long term. Selected European Alpine resorts are offered to provide effective comparative analysis per interest group.
Staff and Associates
Beat vonAllmen
P.E., President, Mountain Planning Engineer,
Beat incorporated Alpentech in 1978 to improve the experience of summer and winter vacationing in the mountains. Having grown up in Mürren, a car free Swiss resort, and working for aerial tramway firms, he became a hands-on specialist in mountain transportation systems. Building on his background, fitting professional education and experience, the evolution and accessibility of alpine summer and winter sports has been the primary focus of his work. Searching for better, more comprehensive mountain use has awarded him recognition in recreation planning. This special interest, coupled with studies in mechanical, civil and environmental engineering give Beat a leading edge in mountain facility layout by combining his field advantage with advanced computer modeling, Beat is the U.S. correspondent to the International Aerial Tramway Review. Fluent in French and German, he has written numerous articles on subjects related to mountain development and has pioneered suitability and hazard modeling since 1981, trademarked as "smartmaps". In 2003 Beat (Bayot) has been awarded the Golden Award of the Intermountain Ski Area Association. In 2009 he was elected as a technical advisor for the Wasatch Canyons Master Plan. In 2012 he was inducted in the prestigious Intermountain Ski Hall of Fame. Since 2015 the Swiss firm Alpentech GmbH, is welcoming clients to meetings or small conferences in Beat’s unique mountain resort (see also
As a member of the Swiss National Ski Team, he was listed in the first 15 in the FIS list and has won several international events. In the 1964 Olympic Winter Games at Innsbruck, Austria, he placed 14th. He keeps enjoying the famous Utah powder with his spouse after bringing up two ski racing daughters.
MS Civil Engineering -- University of Utah, Salt Lake City, 12/1973
MS Mechanical Engineering -- University of Vermont, Burlington, 6/1971
Design Engineer (HTL-Maschinenbau) -- State College, Biel, Switzerland, 1968
Draftsman Diploma (Maschinen) -- vonRoll AG / Gewerbe Schule, Bern, CH 1964
Swiss Army -- Alpine Corps training, mountain infantry corporal, 1962/63
Business Administration Diploma -- Nobs & Co./K.V., Thun, Switzerland, 1961
Registration + Honors
Professional Engineer: P.E. Utah (4838) 22-156074-2202, Utah Tramway Engineer
2012 Intermountain Ski Hall of Fame
1990 National Ski Area Design Award – First Place
Related Experience
Founder of Alpentech, Inc.: Responsible for Alpentech projects since 1984
Project Manager: vonAllmen & Partners, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1971-83
Correspondent: International Tramway Review, Vienna, A, since 1982 and Motor im Schnee, Stein Verlag, Baden-Baden, Germany 1989-1992
National Avalanche School: Reno, NV, 1975
Associate -- Enteleki (Resort Architects), Salt Lake City, UT, 1972-73
Mountain Planning Assistant: Greater Park City Company, 1972
Tram Erection Crew: Snowbird, Utah 1971
Tooling Design: Hirschmann Corp., Roslyn Heights, NY, 1968-70
Technical Design: vonRoll Bern, Switzerland; ropeway drafting/ design apprentice 1962-66
Business administration training -- Nobs & Co., Thun, Switzerland, 1958-61
ASCE: American Society of Civil Engineers, Urban Planning and Development Division -- Recreation Planning Committee. Chairman 1988/89
NSAA: National Ski Areas Association, current
Selected Publications and Presenations
"Trail Capacity Adjustment" in development; "Planners with a Vision" Si-magazine; "How to measure trail capacity" OITAF-NACS 7th and 8th Symposiums; "Dispersing Skiers and Riders" Si-magazine; "Grindelwald: modernity vs. history"; "Linking Salt Lake City with six mountain resorts" (cog-railway option) International Conference, Urban Transportation Division of ASCE; "L’analyse des sites par procedes informatiques"; "Pulse Lifts: A contrarian choice"; "Impacts of Detachables"; "Modernisieren im Westen (Big Mountain, MT, Kellogg, Sun Valley, ID and Solitude UT)"; "Keystone Gondola, made in USA"; A consultant’s view of master planning, Forest Service, Brighton, Utah; "Digital Wind Models Applied to Ski Area Planning and Operation"; "Avalanche Control from Afar"; On ski area carrying capacity, Innsbruck; "Lift Alignment Techniques"; "On computer generated maps"; "Aligning with Lasers" (solar bending of tubular towers); "Skiing resource evaluation by computers"; "The Heritage Mountain Funicular"; "Snowbird Skier Circulation"; "Sliding Control of Ski Garments"; "Skiing Dynamics"; "Access to Mountain Recreation"; "How to measure and rectify ski area crowding"; Mountain Recreation: Energy vs. Mobility, ASCE; "Chair Lift Erection by Helicopter"; "Unzweckmässige Bekleidung: als Unfallgefahr beim Skilaufen"; "Die Textilbremse auf Schnee".
Nicolas Bianchi
Project engineerGeneral
Holder of a two-year university degree in civil engineering, a three-year degree in civil engineering (CAD), a three-year degree program in management and a master's degree in trades of the mountain, Nicolas has acquired a very thorough knowledge of mountain planning, through a multidisciplinary teaching based on: management, environment, planning, sustainable tourism and sport-recreation.
He learned how to use CAD and GIS in professional situations through several internships and jobs in different companies. Through his mountain knowledge and his attraction to new technologies, he brings technical proficiencies, creativity, originality and autonomy. His youth, dynamism and motivation, heightened by his ability of rapid integration create an important value.
Nicolas grew up in a progressive Alpine environment and is eager to engage in ski area planning, modification, new area planning and diversification of mountain resorts. He is also a licensed ski and snowboard instructor which brings his attention naturally to the practice of teaching, which is the most fundamental concern in successful resort layout and development.
Master degree "Trades of the Mountain", Aix Marseille University, Gap, France – 2015 to 2017, culminating his 3-yr. resident degree in management "Trades of the Mountain", 2014; his 3-yr. degree in technical drawing in civil engineering (CAD) at the Montpellier University, Nimes, France – 2013 and his 2-yr degree in civil engineering, at the Joseph Fourrier University, Grenoble, France – 2010 to 2012
Professional Experience
Internship and technician draftsman – DIANEIGE (touristic mountain design) – May to Oct. 2012 Language study vacation – INTRAX, San Francisco – June to September 2013 Ski and snowboard instructor – La Plagne, France – December 2013 April 2014 Internship in architect office specialized in mountain area – ATM – May to August 2014 Internship and temporary contract as project engineer – MDP CONSULTING – Feb.-Dec. 2017 Ski and snowboard instructor – La Plagne, France – December 2017 April 2018
Stephen Putnam
Mountain Planner,
A seasoned planner and engineer, Steve draws upon his many experiences of having skied, worked, and played throughout the world. This global perspective, coupled with a sensitivity toward the local feel and culture, results in projects that are both sustainable and economical. His analytical and detailed approach, enable Steve to focus on lift layout and trail design that maximizes efficiency while minimizing both the impact to the environment and the cost of project implementation. His planning experience also includes his role as the town planner for Charlotte, Vermont.
Steve has two girls with his wife Phoebe. He has been involved with the Snowbird Sports education foundation coaching elite ski racers during the winter months since 2000 and enjoys traveling the world to windsurf and kite and spends as much time at his place in Hood River, Oregon as possible. His other activities include biking, sailing, soccer, mountaineering, and paddle boarding.
Steve has been involved with ski area and mountain planning since 2005, having worked both with Alpentech and SE group, and independently with resorts throughout the United States. In addition to his planning skills, Steve is trained as a civil engineer and has ski lift design and engineering experience. While working on his civil engineering degree he was involved with the winter alpine engineering group that specialized in natural hazard mitigation (avalanches) for departments of transportation in the intermountain area. During his tenure at Skytrac he has been responsible for the planning, surveying, and layout of aerial ski lifts. - His area of expertise is in Ski Area Planning and Design, Base Mapping and Analysis, Terrain Grading, Trail Design, Terrain capacity and circulation, Lift Layout and Design as well as Surveying and Field layout.
Steve has a Civil Engineering degree from the University of Utah, and a BA in environmental economics from Middlebury College in Vermont.
Representative Projects
Bear Valley Lift Replacement Design, California
Berkshire East Ski Resort- Trail Design and Layout, Lift alignment design
Chengde, China. Resort Master Plan for a new world-class destination resort, including preparation of Master Development Plan, site visits, and field layout
Luneng Mountain Master Plan – Phase Two, China
Schweitzer Resort Master Plan, Idaho
Squaw Valley USA/Alpine Meadows lift alignment and ski run development planning, California
Snowbird Ski Resort- Mountain Planning
Gary Peck
Forestry Consultant, Mountain Planning Assistant
Layout of new ski trails with the practical understanding of a professional logging background can make a difference as Gary Peck has proven while working with Alpentech over the years. Gary helped to create over 400 acres of new trails in Montana, Washington and British Columbia. Gary Peck delivers ski area specific Forest and Vegetation Management plans knowing logging practice, timber value, fire, esthetics, and recreational enjoyment all at the same time. Gary’s forestry expertise is particularly valuable to prepare mountain management plans aimed at forest health and lower fire hazard that positively influence ski area sustainability. His dedication to apply high environmental standards for logging and his love for ski trail layout combine to create an unusual asset for Alpentech.
Certified Forest Service Cruiser - 1980 and 1983
BS Forestry - University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA - 1979
Graduate - Andover High School, Andover, MA - 1973
Related Experience
Forestry Consultant—Owner, 1992 to present
Forester--Plum Creek Timber Co. 1985-1992
Forest Technician--Gallatin and Targhee National Forests 1980... 1985
Alpentech Projects
Destination Resorts Engagements
1985... | Alta Ski Area, mountain planning/engineering, Alta Ski Area, UT |
2017... | Revelstoke Mountain Resort mountain plan update, Vancouver B.C. |
2017 | Silk Road Resort, mountain plan, Ping Xi Liang Village, Urumqi, China |
2021... | Moosehead Mountain Resort, Big Squaw Mt, Greenville Jct. ME |
1987-2018 | Snowbasin Ski Area, mountain planning-engineering, Sinclair Oil, UT |
1976-2016 | Solitude Ski Resort, mountain planning, engineering, Salt Lake City, UT |
2008-15 | Nordic Valley, Resort Expansion Plan, with DGA, Paris, UT |
1971-14 | Snowbird Corporation, mountain planning-engineering, Snowbird, UT |
2005-09 | Valle de Las Leñas, mountain development plan, w/ HMA, Argentina |
2006/07 | Chapelco, mountain development plan, resort company, Argentina |
1987-07 | Sun Valley Company, mountain plan, engineering, Sun Valley, ID |
2005/06 | Apex Mountain Resort, mountain plan, engineering, Penticton, B.C. |
2004/05 | Silver Mountain, Kellogg, mountain plan, engineering, ID |
2001-02 | The Colony at Whitepine Canyon, mountain/ RR transit planning, UT |
1989-98 | Big Sky, Ski & Summer Resort, mountain plan, engineering, Boyne USA |
1997/98 | Schilthornbahn AG, Interlaken, ski trail grading study, Switzerland |
1995/96 | Wolf Mountain (now Vail), mountain planning-engineering, Park City |
1995/96 | Northstar at Tahoe, mountain planning, Truckee, CA |
1993-96 | Ski Moonlight, mountain planning-engineering, Big Sky, MT |
1993-96 | Brundage Mountain Company, planning-engineering, McCall, ID |
1992-94 | Aspen Highlands, mountain expansion planning-engineering, CO |
1984/93/97 | Park City Ski Area and Park City Alpine Slide, UT |
1983 | Crystal Mountain/Brian Head, planning-engineering, Cedar City, UT |
1981/83 | Ski lift Interconnect, Utah Ski Association, S.L.C., UT |
1982 | Val Thorens, French Government, Challes-les-Eaux, France |
1981 | Snowbasin/Trappers Loop Ltd., mountain plan, w/ Seibert, UT |
1980 | Squaw Valley, mountain plan, CA |
1976 | Solynieve, Spain; mountain plan, w/ Kiley/Walker, Charlotte, VT |
1971/72 | Bald Mountain, planning-engineering, Greater Park City Co., UT |
Day Ski Area Engagements
1987... Nordic Valley, mountain planning/engineering, various owners
1987... Brighton Resort, mountain planning/engineering, Boyne USA Resorts
2017... Pebble Creek Ski Area – Parking, upgrading plans, Pocatello, ID
2009... Magic Mountain, ski area master plan update, Twin Falls, ID
1988-2020 Pomerelle Ski Area, Anderson Family, Albion, ID
2015-17 Wujin, ski area expansion - TTiss Global Outdoor Sports Group, China
2012-14 SnowKing Mountain Resort, all season expansion plan, Jackson, WY
1998-2014 Belleayre Mountain, New York State Department of Conservation, NY
1991-2014 Soldier Mountain, mountain planning-engineering, Fairfield, ID
1996-2009 Crystal Mountain Resort, mountain planning-engineering, WA
2007/08 Erner Galen Reconnaissance, Mühlebach, VS, Switzerland
2004-06 Ausblick, Inc., ski area vertical expansion, Hartland, WI
2004-05 Enviroserve Associates, LLC, Powder Mountain, UT
2002-05 Snow Haven, Idaho, City of Grangeville, D
2001-05 Montana Snowbowl, mountain planning-engineering, Missoula, MT
1995 Las Vegas Ski and Snowboard Resort expansion, Lee Canyon, NV
New Resort Projects
2018... Balang Mountain, ski resort concept plan, Sichuan, China
2004-2021 Loafer Mountain, master planning 10’000-acres, 5100’, JM Land
1998-2017 Wasatch Peaks (Gaily) Ranch master plan (12'000-ac. 4600’), UT
2017/18 Longguan, Chicheng County Ski Area Design Contest, Beijing, China
2016/17 LaoHuGou - TTiss Global Outdoor Sports Group Ltd. Urumqi China
2015/17 Shanxi Taihang Shan master plan, engineering, w/ HMA, TTiss, China
2013-15 Un-disclosed area resort project, Patey, Salt Lake City, UT
2011-14 Sunrise Mountain Ranch, hydro power mountain design, Patey, UT
2010-12 Lantian Lake master plan, Chongqing, Jiulongpo Dist., w/ HMA, China
2010 Guangling 603 Ski Project master plan, Mr. Gu, w/ HMA, Shanxi, China
2010 Chongli, smartmap, Beijing Raissun Investment Co., w/ HMA, China
2010 Pingquan mountain reconnaissance, w/ Dunn+Kiley, Hebei, China
2009-10 Alta Railway engineering feasibility, Envision Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
2009-10 Independence Resort, research, mountain planning-engineering, UT
2007-10 Black Bear Resort, 5000-acre resort planning-engineering, Paris, ID
2006-09 Las Leñas, high-alt. ski development plan, VLL, w/ HMA, Argentina
2009 Qiaoshan ski area project review, undisclosed, Hebei, China,
2008/09 Huatian Zhangbei, Xiannadu master plan, w/ Dunn+Kiley, Hebei, CN
2006-08 Liberty University, Mountain Recreation Master Plan, Lynchburg, VA
2005-09 Blue Diamond, ski resort/ Forest Service land trade, Ely, NV
2007 Timberland Reconnaissance, 15,000 acre skiable reconnaissance, OR
2006/07 Grandeur Peak, 10’000-acre study and critique, Bountiful City, UT
2006 Dong Ling Shan, mountain plan critique, I-STAR, Hebei, China
2006 The Canyons Ski Area Analysis, Paul Hastings Attorneys, New York, UT
2005 Bear Mountain, resort planning/ engineering, w/ Design Workshop, ID
2004-05 Malan’s Basin, study Ogden side of Snowbasin, Chris Peterson, UT
2004 Jumbo-Farnham, Jumbo Project Critique, Lev/ vonAllmen, Canada
2001-03 K38 Project, 2 sites, mountain recreation planning, Bountiful City, UT
2000 Ski Lava Project, ski area plan, Randy Seed, Lava Hot Springs, ID
Dyer Mountain-Lake Almanor, ski area master plan, Peter Hicks, CA
Oak Valley, reconnaissance, Jim Bass, South Korea
1990-94/99 Jumbo Glacier Resort, grandiose study, Oberto Oberti, B.C., Canada
1999 Ling San Mtn. resort layout, Brighton Co., Richard Bass, China
1997/98 Kohap/ Sabuk Proposal, Korea, master plan w/ EDAW, San Francisco
1996-97 Hyosung Group, 20 mountain resort feasibility study, South Korea
1995-97 Yellowstone Mountain Club, ski area layout, Big Sky Lumber, MT
1996 Brohm Ridge critique for B.C. Lands, w/ Goldner Assoc., Canada
1995-96 Hyosung, ski resort master plan w/ Zehren Associates, South Korea
1995 Kae-Ta, Resort ski resort proposal w/ EDAW, South Korea
1994/95 Alpine Land Co., Steamboat, mountain planning, CO
1994/95 Velocity Peak, Silverton, mountain planning-engineering, CO
1992-94 Granite Peak/Slab Butte, reconnaissance study, Brundage Mtn., ID
1992/93 SnoBowl, Community Ski Area, planning-engineering, Elko, NV
1991-93 Trans-Wasatch Company (Telemark Park), engineering, Park City, UT
1991/92 Lolo Peak Economic Research Com., mountain plan, Missoula, MT
1991 Cayoosh Reconnaissance, NGR Resort Consultants, study, B.C.
1988/89 Hatcher Pass, for AK-DNR, master plan, w/ LDN, Anchorage, AK
1988 Cold Stream Project, preliminary ski area master plan, Truckee, CA
1987,93/94 The Ridge Corp., ski area master plan, Coolfont, Berkeley Springs, WV
1986/87 Independence, ski area master plan, Wickersham, Anchorage, AK
1986 Razis, smartmap, ski area layout, Michel Guerrin, St. Ismier, France
1985/86 College Mountain master planning, Ski Roundtop, Inc., PA
1984 Sedgwick Peak, master plan, Ski Lava, Inc., Lava Springs, ID
1984/85 East Fork, preliminary master plan, Pagosa Springs, CO
1984/85 Priest Lake, preliminary master plan, CWS Consultants, CA
1981 Park City - Silver Mountain Funicular study proposal, Park City, UT
1975-78 Bear Lake West, ski area master planning-engineering, Fish Haven, ID
1977 Wasatch Mountain State Park, Midway ski area project, S.L.C. UT
1977 Ruby's, mountain planning, Elko Fair and Recreation Board, Elko, NV
7-Peaks (Heritage) Mountain Resort, planning-engineering, Provo, UT
1975/76 Galena, master planning, Jim Luescher (Redfield Lease), Reno, NV
1974/75 Tent Mountain, master planning, Land McCulloch, Elko, NV
1972/73 LaSal 4-Corners Regional Commission, development study, Moab, UT
1972/73 Big Wood, ski hill study, Mr. Bob Kress, Sun Valley, ID
Uphill Facility Projects
1971-01 Lift Surveys: for Garaventa-CTEC, Doppelmayr and Resorts
1997-99 Kicking Horse ski area planning, lift surveys, Pheidias, B.C., Canada
1996 Crystal Mountain Gondola/Aerial Tramway, Crystal Mountain, WA
1995-96 Our Lady of the Rockies, aerial tramway, Butte. MT
1994/95 Morning Star Tow, Hank Rothwell, Park City, Utah
1990 Maui Tramway Reconnaissance, Boyne USA Inc.,
Seven Peaks Funicular (Heritage Mountain), Provo, Utah
1988 Silver Mountain Gondola, City of Kellogg, Idaho
1987 Santa Cruz Metro. Transit District; Tom McGean, Washington D.C.
1986 Grizzly Gulch Transportation Co., Salt Lake City, Utah
1985/99 Mount Ogden Tramway, local developers, Ogden, Utah
1984 Ruby Gondola, Grant Gerber/Ken Jones, Lamoille, Nevada
1981 Arrowhead Funicular at Vail, CO, for Voest Alpine, New York
1981 Vasquez at Winterpark Funiculars, CO, for Voest Alpine, New York
1981 Silver Mountain Funicular, J.J. Johnson & Associates, Park City, Utah
PROFESIONAL ENGINEERS (Active Utah State Certification)
Brighton: CREST EXPRESS, project engineer, Crest detachable lift
Snowbasin: BECKER and PORCUPINE, project engineer, 2 fixed grip lifts
Snowbird: GAD-1, LITTLE CLOUD, MID-GAD, project engineer, 3 fixed grip lifts
Rail Roads: 2 Layouts Alta RR+Tunnel / Access to Colony at White Pine Canyon
Funiculars: 1 Seven Peaks Resort project engineer, Heritage Mountain, UT
Jig-Backs: 2 Big Sky-Lone Peak, and Butte, MT
Gondolas: 6 Seven Peaks Resort, UT; Galena, NV; Crystal, UT, (2 sections)
Lift Surveys As Built Utah State Certifications
Big Sky-Lone Pk. options, MT, 2 Snowbasin, E and W, UT
1 Crystal Mt. WA, 1 Lady of the Rockies, Butte, MT
Chair Lifts:
4 Big Sky/ Yellowstone Club MT, 2 Soldier Mountain
6 Brighton-Snake Creek, UT, 7 Snowbird, UT
8 Heritage Mountain, UT, 6 Snowbasin, UT
5 Galena, NV, 5 Solitude, UT
2 Park City, UT, 2 Moonlight Basin, MT
2 Crystal Mountain, WA, 2 The Canyons, UT
2 Pebble Creek, ID, 1 ea. Nordic Valley, UT; Snow King, 1 Pomerelle, ID, Lassen, CA; and Crystal Mtn., UT
Handle Tows: 8
Conveyors: 12
Snow Avalanche Related Assignments
2019... Avalanche Reports for new residences, Town of Alta
2018 Stephen Tenney Residence, Hellgate, Alta, (w/SLI, Davos)
2007 AltaBird Approach, Josh Linker, Salt Lake City, Utah (w/Schaerer)
2006-08 Wendy+Todd Mitchell, Davis Horn, Inc. Aspen, CO (w/Schaerer)
2006 Lot 1, Little Cloud Subdivision, Deposition, Aspen, CO
2005 Avalanche-free Highway Rerouting Design, U-210, Alta, UT
2003-06 Lot 20, City of Aspen, Lyle Reeder, Aspen, CO (w/Lev and Schaerer)
2001-07 Seven Sites in Pitkin County, Davis Horne, Aspen, CO (w/Lev)
2003-06 Little Cloud Subdivision, Tomas E. Lewis, Aspen, CO (w/ Schaerer)
1992-95 Avalanche Evaluation of Highland Bowl, Aspen, CO (w/Lev)
Gravity Park Layout and Design
2016... Sports Academy, Shanxi Taihang Shan, aerial focus, TTiss, China
2009 Wolf Mountain Resort, Utah, Mountain Coaster survey
2006-09 Liberty University, 5000-ac. mountain recreation plan, Lynchburg, VA
2007 Mountain Coaster, survey and technical assistance, Nordic Valley, Utah
2007 Snowflex, Alpine Slide site location, Liberty University, Lynchburg VA
1999-2007 Thrill Sleds Trail layout: Mtn. Creek, NJ, Big Mountain, MT, Northstar, NV
2004/5 Alpine Slide, preliminary layout, survey, Snowbird, Utah
1986 Boreal CA, Alpine Slide layout and design assistance
1998 Bike Trail project, Bonneville RC&D Council, Salt Lake City, UT
1977-82/2000 Park City Alpine Slide layout and design, John Price and Powdr Corp.
1992 Breckenridge, CO, Alpine Slide dual track re-design
1976 Parks Planning: Northampton County Park Board, Evanston, PA
Other (mapmaking, otherconsulting)
1996... Wasatch Touring and Uinta Backcountry Map Series, upgrading
1997... Bryce Canyon N.P, Bryce Canyon History Association, revision/reprints
Ongoing Oquirrh and Stansbury are Map creation and upgrading
2022... Residence site plan, Sport Kultur Project, Snowbird Bypass Road, UT
2006... 3 Chalet planning, construction and up-keep, Mürren, Switzerland
2009/10 Wasatch Canyons Master Plan, Technical Advisory, Envision Utah
2007-09 AltaBird, layout, design, permitting. Subdivision, Sandy, Utah
2005-07 Legal Counsel to ski areas regarding skier accidents
2006 Deposition, Bryn Asselstine vs. Boyne USA, Inc.
200-09 Northstar Subdivision, road upgrading master plan, Park City, Utah,
2008-09 Bob Bonar, civil engineering and site plans, Snowbird, Utah
2005-07 Snowbird Townhouses, civil and site plans, Snowbird, Utah
2005 Granite Builders, LLC, Sundown 23 Townhouses, Powder Mtn. UT
2003 Several Mountain Residential site grading and road plans, Utah
1984 Pine Inn Associates (inclined elevator), Deer Valley, Utah
1981-04 Ski Area Statistic of Utah, Utah Ski Association, Salt Lake City, UT
2000 Bonneville Shoreline Trail Committee, alignment option report
1986-98 Sorel Boot “EXO” new skiing device; Kaufman Footwear, Ontario
1995 CRCA, Centennial Parks Project, Salt Lake City
1986 Allen Avalanche Reconnaissance, Transamerica Insurance Co.
1984-87 Digital Terrain Modeling: Farwell, SE and Group Delta
1976, 79 Legal Council: sliding and collision of fallen skiers
Check: Experience, Creativity, Integrity
Mike Maughan, G.M.
Alta Ski Area
Alta, Utah 84092801 799-2291
Operation team manager
MDP Consulting
5a, Chemin de la Dhuy
38240 Meylan, France
+33 (0)4 76 90 91 11
Randy Doyle, retired G.M.
Brighton Resort
8302 South Brighton Loop Road
Brighton, UT 84121
Iwan Fuchs, Snowsport Director,
26 Laurel Drive
Bow, NH 03304
+1 603 581-8120